Adogawa JHS Information




Shiga is in red on this map.

Where is Adogawa?


Adogawa Junior High School is located in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.  Shiga prefecture is full of nature.  There are many mountains and Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan.  Lake Biwa is the 3rd oldest lake in the world.    People in Adogawa get



water from it, so it is very precious to them.


Adogawa town is a part of Takashima, which is on the west side of Lake Biwa.  Takashima (高島) means ‘high island’, because it is surrounded on all sides by mountains and the lake. 


A picture of Shiga from space.  Adogawa is in the black circle.

Adogawa Fans


In Adogawa, and in the surrounding towns, fan ribs are made.  Fan ribs are the pieces of wood in between the pieces of fan paper.  About 90% of the fan ribs used in Japan are made in Adogawa.  There are many places where visitors can make fans.  The people who live in Adogawa are very proud of their fan ribs.

The Adogawa JHS seal puts Roman letters and Japanese characters together.

The Adogawa JHS Seal


You probably have seen the seal to the left all over this homepage.  It is a combination of Roman letters and a Japanese character.  Try to find the two Roman letters in the seal before reading more!


Did you find them?  Try to look in the outside ring of symbols.  There are four A’s and four H’s.  They stand for Adogawa, Aoyagi, Honjyo, and Hirose. 

Each are parts of Adogawa.  The symbol at the center of the ring () is pronounced ‘chuu,’ and is the first symbol in the Japanese word for ‘Junior High School’ (中学校, pronounced ‘chuugakkou’).